Explore Projects

Explore fundraising projects by type, sport, location, title or keyword search.

Showing 1-12 of 152 projects

  1. Swim AU

    Swim it forward

    Learning to swim is a lifesaving skill every child should receive but sadly the majority of our kids are not enrolled for lessons. You can swim it forward today...

  2. Declan Andrews Burke

    Declan Burke road to U23 World Championships

    Raise money for training, competing, coaching and other fees in my lead up to The U23 Nordic Ski World Championships.

  3. XiongTestAthlete



  4. Standard Name Rod


    testing 1

  5. testclub

    Preparing the future2

    Help the Pines Football Netball Club deliver an elite sports program to the community of Frankston North and beyond so we can continue to develop and grow within...

  6. Haig Fawkner Cricket Club


    testing 1

  7. TestBatch


    testing 4

  8. web name test



  9. Kaylen Bassett

    2022 World Cup and World Championships Campaign AU

    Help Kaylen with his 2021 canoe slalom campaign, as they look for results at World Cups 3 & 4 and at the Senior World Championships in Canoe Slalom

  10. Test Sophia1

    2023 Marie Little Shield.Incorp

    A focus of the Marie Little Shield program is to provide women with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to represent their state at a national tournament.

  11. Peel Thunder Football Club

    Scoreboard & Event Presentation Upgrade test

    Lane Group Stadium, home of the Peel Thunder Football Club, requires immediate upgrades to its AV infrastructure at the venue, including the scoreboard and sound...

  12. Kat's Company & Co - Test'ing URL's

    Kat's Co - test
